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"Účast v soutěži nám umožnila získat porovnání s ostatními firmami,
což nás následně přimělo k realizaci dalších kroků."
Veronika Klápová, ředitelka útvaru personální politiky, ČSA

Company of the Year: Equal Opportunities is a prestigious award for companies and other employers that advance gender equality in their inner structures. The award was launched in 2004 by Gender Studies, o.p.s. and is being given annually.

Every company or organization that operates in the Czech republic can run for the award. Besides awarding, Gender Studies supplies every participating company with a feedback to their programs. Company of the Year: Equal Opportunities is thus far more than medialization of the winners. Gender Studies gathers good practices, spreads know-how in equal opportunities for men and women and work-life balance, and offers consultations or further analysis of companies' policies. To apply, one must fill in a questionnaire (only in Czech).

Gender Studies has cooperated in developing the award strategies and instruments with a number of international and domestic organizations and experts. The winners are chosen by an independent jury consisting of experts from non-profits, companies, academics and administration.

A specialized conference focused on a chosen topic concerning gender equality at workplace is being held regularly. This is the time when winner companies are being announced.


+420 777 910 941


2020 Award is financially supported from the project: CZ.03.1.51/0.0/0.0/17_081/0011557  „Na jedné lodi - podpora rovných příležitostí ve firmách“ (ESF, Operational Program Employment).





Soutěž je v letech 2020 až 2022 podpořena v rámci projektu č. CZ.03.1.51/0.0/0.0/17_081/0011557 „Na jedné lodi - podpora rovných příležitostí ve firmách“.

Obsah těchto stránek vyjadřuje postoj Gender Studies, o.p.s., a proto nemůže být v žádném případě považován za oficiální postoj Evropského společenství.

Projekt byl v letech 2006 až 2008 finančně podpořen Citi Foundation